Tuesday 31 August 2010

Enforced Abstinence

It has been an even longer absence than the last absence, which you might think would be even more difficult to explain or justify. So I wont even try to do so at this point in time. Suffice it to say that the interruption was not caused by distractions but demands. Life itself sometimes intrudes and demands your full attention, in spite of occasional attempts to escape only to find the body willing but the spirit irretrievably conflicted.

And still, the promised return offers little at the moment but the promise. In my absence I have produced only a book for my beautiful grand-daughter, Tallulah .......... "Lulah and the Long Lost Fairy". There has been also a sporadic amount of writing that will comprise another book of short stories and another book of Poetry, some salvaged from the distant past and some that has sprouted through the inhospitable drought of the past two years. But more of this to come ......... wherein lies the promised promise, so to speak! A bientot.


Wednesday 10 December 2008

Tales Fifi and the Truth Fairy

Admissions of distraction, or maybe I should say an ‘admission of distractions’ is the only way I can explain the second, or is that the ‘third’, woefully long gap since my last post. Not ‘woeful’ at all some might say, rather blessed relief. But, of course, any sojourn by visitors to this blogsite is entirely voluntary so there would have to be an expectation which would not be relieved by a ‘gap’. Whatever else ………

I have been distracted in the writing of a volume of short stories which has taken my attention away from “Fragments from the lost & Profound” temporarily. I haven’t abandoned support for the earlier work but simply turned away from it for a short while. In doing so I offer an insight that conveniently bridges across to the new book. There is no real comparisons between the two books beyond that fact that they are both ‘existential’ …….. in essence, in spirit and in style. Which is why both are potentially, and probably, very annoying.

There is always ‘thought’ at play, and ‘play’ in every thought. There is a strong elements of ‘stream of consciousness’ in the plotting and style, and an almost obsessive concern not to seek resolutions (or purposely avoid them). There is equally no responsibility felt to ensure that all loose ends are tied up, or full explanations; feasible pretexts offered. But, believing in the capricious, I have always tried to be amusing and entertaining which is where the ‘play’ is exercised in the thought, irrespective of whether the thought is serious, profound, whimsical, inane, or even mawkish! And where the offence to my doubtful principles is not too great, I have provide conclusions as tidy and entertaining as I could. Though it does need to be borne in mind that I really don’t believe in conclusions ……. which is probably where all the problems start, in this form of writing.

And so, we come to “Tales of Fifi and the Truth Fairy” which, as you will have guessed, is the collection of short stories I mentioned at the outset. I propose, at this stage, to say no more about this book beyond its availability on Lulu.com In the fullness of time - hopefully not too long a ‘gap’ -  I will, of course, pass comment and offer some gloss but for the moment, all you need to know is what appears on the cover.

And, in closing, I am aware that I reported the ‘distractions’ at the outset in the plural but have so far declared only the one. You are quite right to assume that there were others …………..